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Learning Objectives:
1. Understanding how the human body works and how it breaks down with emphasis on maintaining your health and fitness.
2. Importance of providing annual Workstation Risk Assessments by a professional to develop standards for optimal design and biomechanical techniques to minimize employee strain.
3. Importance of performing employee functional assessments to identify common imbalances such as nerve entrapments, degenerative disc disease, tight and weakened musculature that has been shown to increase the likelihood of developing injury.
4. Importance of performing regular injury prevention workshops to educate & motivate your employees to maintain their health while learning prevention stretches and exercises.
The educational workshops will help you develop an anatomical understanding on how the human body works and functionally breaks down including degenerative disc and joint disease, disc herniations, nerve entrapments, repetitive strain conditions with special emphasis on proactive prevention through proper work station design, working techniques and implementing self-help techniques including stretches, balance training, nerve flossing and core strengthening.
Dr. Coffey will demonstrate a few simple functional assessment tests to identify common imbalances such as nerve entrapments, degenerative disc and joint conditions, tight and weakened musculature that has been shown to increase the likelihood of developing injury. You will be amazed how quickly these functional imbalances can be corrected by performing the prevention exercises. The goal is to identify and correct minor imbalances to prevent them from becoming major recordable claims.
You will find this program to be practical and cutting edge, implementing professional risk assessments to create standards for workstation design and lifting techniques while improving the anatomical functioning of your employees
Educational Workshops